Happy Teacher's Day!
by: Yhury S. Sacbayana

On October 3rd, the SSG gathered to celebrate Teacher’s Day, a time to recognize the vital role teachers play in shaping our future. While we still have time before the school year ends, this celebration serves as a moment of reflection, akin to graduation. Each lesson we learn and every challenge we face brings us closer to becoming the people we aspire to be, and none of this would be possible without our teachers’ guidance.
To show our appreciation, we presented awards to our teachers to acknowledge their hard work and dedication. Additionally, we created an illustration board filled with heartfelt messages from students, expressing how much we value their support. We also prepared a video presentation showcasing memories shared between teachers and students, which brought smiles and reminded everyone of the meaningful moments we’ve had together.
This celebration was our way of saying thank you for all the lessons, the encouragement, and the care that our teachers give every day. You inspire us to become better, and for that, we are forever grateful.